Neta Gordon, and the MAMM Team. “‘Turning me this way and that’: The Practical and Affective Challenges of Moving Beyond Disciplinarity.” Presentation for the HRI Symposium, Brock University, December 2023.
Olivia Hay and Emily Mills, and the MAMM Team. “Interdisciplinarity as Method: The Space of/in Digital Humanities Research in the ‘Mapping Ann-Marie MacDonald’ Project.” Presentation for ACQL Conference, Online Presentation, June 2024.
Neta Gordon, and the MAMM Team. “Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Geographical Imaginary: Feminist Mapping and Literary Data.” Presentation for CSDH Conference, Université de Montréal, June 2024.
MAMM Team, with Ann-Marie MacDonald. Phase 1 Data Collection Workshop. Rankin Family Pavilion, Brock University, March 2024.